Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Cecilia and Alexia

Top: Alexia (soon to be 9)
Bottom: Cecilia (6 years old)
Yorgos' and Tessa's beautifull daughters.

Our Hostess

Tessa, one of Florianne's oldest and dearest friends who built a superb house in Dionysos and where we had the honour of staying when in Athens!! Thanks Tessa and Yorgos!! We love you!!

Back in Athens

We went to see that old ruin, I am sure you all know what I am talking about!! As every tourist we went down to Plaka and did all the dodgy tourist shops. We were still able to address them in Greek so they were not too tempted to rip us off!! In the evening we went to John's place and his favourite bar in Kolonaki (Mai-Tai) before saying goodbye and shedding lots of tears!!!!!

The way back...

On our way back to Athens from the wedding, by the way on our 13th Wedding Anniversary!!!!!! And still happily married, if I may say so!!

And Sue...

Only laughed with the two silly air musicians!!!

More air music

The day after or was it two?? Constantine and me giving a little air music show, me on drums and Constantine on guitar, his specialty!!

Everybody tired!!!

The result of all that dancing: complete exhaustion. Ruairi cannot even keep his beer up straight anymore, no wonder...!!


For holding another beer. But next to the Heineken you see Ian and Caroline and Mr. Christopher Humphrys!!


Is what I had become off all that dancing. We literally danced all night long, I believe from 11 pm till 5 am. I had soar legs for the following three days and I do not think that I was the only one!! On the left of me Nicola and right John, who is not that much of a dancer, but he loves to watch it!!

Air Guitar?!

In real life Nicola plays the Bass. I believe here he is playing air guitar on a U2 song. In all honesty at this stage we all thought that we were playing an instrument, and you would have believed it if the World Championship Air Guitar was held in Greece at the very same moment.


And this at a later stage in the evening, when things start going out of controle!! Luckily it is still his own wife that he is snogging here!! Ain't love beautifull?!

And she really enjoyed it!!

Good old ...

Constantine and Florianne. It is amazing how Constantine never changes, I am convinced that he has found the life elixir as he never grows old!!! At least not visibly!! ;-)

Peter's family

Peter, Anna and Madeline (I hope I spell all the names correctly, if not, please do forgive me, I have always had trouble with names!!)

Sunset on the Bay

The view from the frontdoor of the church, where it all happened!!! This is the real Greece as everybody knows it!!


Here you get a much better look at Hector Humphrys. He will become a ladykiller when he grows up. You already see him practicing on Chloe, the daughter of Freya!!!!

The Humphrys

Chris and Peppy and their daughter Amaryllis (sounds like a flower, isn't it, maybe it is???) Little Hector did not want to stay in the picture and he is fleeing the scene (the blond boy you see more in the back). But I caught him at a later stage!!

The Evans Family

Patrick and Hro's little quartet, consisting of the two of them and their lovely kids: Adriana and Tom!!! Aren't they little sweethearts!!! I especially love Tom's red tie! Adriana was a bridesmaid and played her role superbly!!!

Your's truly

A first picture of me (still in a sober state). You also see Peter on the right hand side of the picture!

The Hand-Over

At this moment Dimitri is taking over. The ceremony did not last that long and it was interesting to experience a catholic wedding in Greece!! They truelly are a fantastic couple!!!

The Niffi (aka The Bride)

And she looks even better than good old Uma Thurman!! This is THE reason why we all gathered on Syros, good old Silly Sue. Doesn't she look gorgeous!!! And so does her dad, for those who might think that this is her husband to be (at least at the moment that the picture was taken). He is about to give her away, but keeps klinging on to her hand, possible sign of reluctance???

The Italian-German connection

Nicola and Francesca's little family, little Frederica and Felipo (aka Pippo). They will be starting a blog once they will have moved to L.A. in order to keep us up to date on the latest Hollywood gossips, as Brangelina and Governor Schwarzenegger will become house friends once they will have moved to Hollywood or Beverly Hills or Santa Monica Beach!!

First shot of the Parea

From Left to Right: Anna (Peter's wife) and Hro and Patrick's Daughter (Adriana), John Farnell, Florianne, Hro, Patrick, Peppy, Chris and two more people, whose name I do not remember (sorry for that!!).

Real Men

Mr. Chris Humphrys, Mr. Ian Dunne and Mr. Ruairi Deburca.

Sexy women

Ian's wife Caroline (from Sweden) and my lovely Florianne! The dodgy guy on the right is the one and only Mr. Ian Dunne.

Ruairi and Mary

With whom we shared an entire hotel!!! We were the only ones there and we were waiting for Jack Nicholson to show up (remember "The Shining"), but we hid all the axes!! They flew in from Mexico through Dublin where they dropped of their two adorable daughters!

The Boat to Syros

Florianne on the Boat to Syros, we had to get up at 06.00 hours in order to get the boat at 07.35. We had a hectic ride with the taxi, as we came all the way from Dionysos, which is all the way North from Athens. The cab-driver did get us in time for the boat on exactly the moment that he had said that we would be there. Talking about Taxi-driver efficiency!!